Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Just random snapsnots of the past couple weeks that I love....

Almost naked, curly hair and love handles...oh my how I love this boy! I also love that he has like no neck...just a cute little head sitting on shoulders:)

Now Brit's turn on the bench...well Braden will still watch the show but begins to "wander and explore" a bit...

On go the jammies and they are still mesmerized!

I was going to clean off my fridge and had to take a picture...I feel so bad taking things down that Britain brings home from church and school. I find it so precious that he works hard and is so proud to display his work....now with Easter coming though we have some fun replacements to put up!

This happens daily at my house and I take it for granted, LOVE all of these boys and I'm so lucky they are mine...here's to cherishing the little and important things in life!

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