Tuesday, April 19, 2011


This post is dedicated to my handsome hubby! Just a quick update on what the man of the house has been up to lately, the good and the bad...
Ty has been doing a great job at work! He really enjoys what he's doing at the FDIC and loves those he works with. He's had a series of tough tests that he's had to study for and pass and he just finished up the last one and passed it! Now he has a break until the big test in a couple years! We are SO proud of him and how hard he's working so Brit and I made this very homemade sign for him:)

Our latest medical issue with Ty is KIDNEY STONES!!! Last Wednesday Ty came home from work really sick right when I was taking the boys to see Sesame Street live! I was scared to leave him because I could tell he was really sick, but I did anyway just to keep the boys away. I figured he probably had the flu. When we got home I realized that it wasn't normal for him to be in such pain so I called a friend to watch the boys and took him to the ER...after a CT scan and 3 bags of IV fluid later, it was concluded that he had kidney stones. I was glad to have a diagnosis, but sad to hear that he still had 2 left up in his kidneys and hadn't even passed the first one completely! Apparently the pain they cause is horrible and I believe it! I was so scared to see him in so much pain, it was awful! They sent him home with pain meds and after one more episode that night, he hasn't had pain since so I am SO glad! I admire Tyler because he's definitely NOT a baby and doesn't like the attention of being sick....I probably tend to play it up when I can, but he is very strong and I admire him for that! We know the other two have to come down eventually, but at least it won't be as scary or painful because we'll be more prepared!

Ty went back to work and a couple days later, the boys and I stopped by to have lunch with him! The boys had a blast and were spoiled by Ty's boss who gave them FDIC bags and flashlights as souvenirs...boy do these two LOVE LOVE LOVE their daddy!


Sarah said...

Poor Tyler. :( He definitely isn't a baby so I hope that things go better for the next two stones!

lindsi said...

What a sweet post Brooke...you definitely have a good hubby! Hope he gets feeling better soon and can pass the other 2 stones quickly without all the pain...OUCH! How are you feeling these days by the way? We need a prego shot of you!!!