Friday, November 12, 2010

Las Cruces

Ty has to travel quite a bit with his new job, but most of the time it's within the state, so we decided to go with him to Las Cruces last week! We got there and they had upgraded our hotel room to an awesome suite and of course I didn't take any pics of the hotel or of Ty and Brit swimming in the outdoor pool in November! It was warmer down there and there were palm trees, I just feel bad I didn't get more pics. I guess we'll have to go with him again! The one time I did pull out my camera was when I took the boys to a little farmstead during the day. It was quite the adventure getting there as we had a flat tire on the way there, AAA came to save us and eventually we made it!
The boys LOVED the animals and I forgot to mention that we were on a golf cart on the back seat while 3 elderly people were in front of us, the tour guide herself being up there in years so I thought it was funny!

Brit was thoroughly enjoying every minute and just sucked that sucker while taking it all in!

I love this little finger! Braden would point at everything...his finger would shoot out and he'd yell as soon as he saw an animal(another thing the other passengers enjoyed from us I'm sure)!

Just thought this was cool...only in New Mexico.

Apparently if you live in the "Land of Enchantment" then your milk is "enchantingly good!" I must say I do love the milk here!

We were like the only ones there so the boys had the playground all to themselves...dang they are cute!

Braden was in heaven...he kept looking around not quite sure which truck to start playing with!

Brit was drawing pictures in the sand with a huge shovel then finally gave up and said, "Mom I sink(think) I'm just going to use my finger...then I'll wash my hands!" Good enough for me!

This day ended with Britain having an asthma attack and us being up all night, then Braden throwing up...but we'll focus on fun stuff above:)


ScottBoomer said...

mEnchantingly good milk from the land of enchantment, that makes sense. What dose that make our milk the Beehive State?

lindsi said...

So glad you were able to go with Tyler and have a good little "vacation"...not that it is really a vacation with kids. Looked like a great playground with all those trucks...Taylor is dying right now looking at all of them...he's jealous!