Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Years!

We had a fun little New Years party this year with some of our friends! Brit and I had a blast getting food ready and making the "2011" cake and poster!

Besides the great food, we had a pinata for the kiddos and boy was it a "hit!" Ha! The kids had a blast and even made some fun treat bags to put their candy in! Our boys did a great job hitting it!

Around 9:00 p.m. we had a kids countdown and they all got their hats and blowers...we then turned on the radio and had a dance party to wear them out! Hysterical!

They all went upstairs to bed and us adults lounged around and chatted the night away and played 2010 Jeopardy Trivia (thanks to my sis in law Michelle who put it together:) We had a great time and hope to have a great year! Happy New Year!

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